Can you help me to find the good sites about loans.
Please, give me some info about actual now loans sites.With best regards,
Please, give me some info about actual now loans sites.With best regards,
I tried to add image but I don't know how to do this
Can anyone be kind to tell me how?
thanks a lot
hi there, my name is Allan.
found this website and read some great discussion and feedback so decided to join
i am happy to help others and offer advice where possible :)
Hey there everyone i was just introduceing myself here im a first time visitor who hopes to become a daily reader!
Well… I visit your website first time and found this site very useful and interesting! Well… you guys doing nice work and I just want to say that keep rocking and keep it up!!!!
The credit card co lowered my credit limit without notification. I owe then around $3,000 and always pay more than my min pmt. I am 83 years old on social security. I don't own a home and I owe more on my car than what it is worth. I have no possessions. I'm upset about this. If I just stop paying my credit card, what can they do to me? I have no savings and my checking account is only for my social security income.
Hi Guys,
I was super bored yesterday and was googling for sites like these and came to your site. Bad luck my friends came to my place and i couldnt register immediately. So I bookmarkes the site and as you can see I have registered here and posting like a champ :)
A liitle about me
I came to to Australia after spending 25 yesrs of my life in the UK. I did my schooling and college all in the UK.
Where & How can I obtain a Legal Responce Form?
W/B.....Many Thanks.
Thought I would tell ya'll 'HELLO' again. I've had the flu (or flu-like symptoms, anyway). Feeling better, though. Glad to be back on here. :D
can a credit card company sell a debt older than 7 years to another lender, and that lender post it on your credit report for an additional 7 years?