I have prepared this sample letter that you may send to a credit bureau requesting an investigation of unauthorized inquiries appearing on your credit report. Ensure that you use fax or certified mail instead of ordinary mail to get a prompt response. Here's the letter:
Sample unauthorized inquiry removal letter to credit bureau
Your Name __________
Your Address __________
Your Phone # __________
Credit Bureau's Name ________________
Credit Bureau's address ________________
Date __________
Dear Sir or Madam,
RE: Investigation of unauthorized inquiries
While checking my personal credit report, which I acquired from your organization on [insert date of report], I noticed some unauthorized inquiries had been made.
I have tried to contact the concerned organization, who conducted the inquiries and asked them to remove credit inquiries from my credit profile. I have asked them to cease their illegal activities with immediate effect but with no results. Since I sent the letters more than 30 business days ago, they have failed to respond to and honor my request.
Therefore, I am forced to request your help in resolving this matter. In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act, I request that you start an investigation into the matter. After the investigation is complete, if you find my allegations to be correct, please remove the unauthorized inquiries and send me a fresh copy of my credit report at my current address. If you find the inquiries referenced above to be correct, kindly send me a description of the operation used in your investigation within 15 business days of the completion of the re-investigation.
Your Signature _____________
Your Name ______________
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