Get the latest copies of your credit reports

Submitted by Johndoe234 on Sat, 12/12/2009 - 11:33

efore you can start repairing your credit, you have to know what you need to repair. Your credit report will contain all the information you need to start repairing your credit. You’re entitled to free credit reports from each of the three credit bureaus each year. You can also order your credit reports directly from the credit bureaus for a fee.



Thank you very much,
Having these reports will show you what you need to repair or start working on. this is a good place to start.

Sat, 12/12/2009 - 14:25 Permalink

Alot of people new to the forum and the credit world are now just figuring out the free credit reports that are available. We always say around here to use all three pulls. I think they should do more to let people know they can naccess their report for free. Television always has that crazy commercial with the kid singing but it ended up being a little mis leading because it was not actually the free site. You had to pay and become a member.

Sun, 12/13/2009 - 01:33 Permalink
Fandi (not verified)

They have 7 yrs. They sold the account in most liloihokd and the new owners are trying to get anything they can. you must decide if you want it reported or if you have the money to pay them at least a portion to get rid of them? I would do this and I did do this. Write them a certified letter, typed and state that you have received no information on these bills and have nothing showing the debt. Since you aren't aware of it you have spoken to your lawyer and he told you to ask for the original itemized bill for the debt before you pay it. Now, most likely they don't have it and the hospital or Dr. has written it off yrs. ago and did not keep records. if they can't come up with proof then they may give it up. If they do it's a different story. They have the next yr. until the seven yrs. to report it and then it will have to be removed, by law. It's a tough call. If you have no plans to buy anything big in the next two yrs. ride it out . if you are buying a home it may cause you problems. you can always settle for a fourth of the debt if they start up again after the letter. Also put at the botton cc: and a lawyer's name to make it look good, and file and copy it. Mail it and do not call unless you have decided to pay less than the full amount to keep it off your record. I would ride it out unless I were really buying something and a lot of times car dealerships don't look too much at old medical bills, just depends.

Tue, 01/08/2013 - 07:41 Permalink
crdet (not verified)

Alot of CA'a don't legally valid a debt. I've dealt with one (now I forgot the name of it) in which I asked for validation almost 4 times within 3 years. The CA send the same validation letter, with the same date on it, to the CRA and they actually accepted it. I don't know how that legally happen, does it does.

Tue, 01/08/2013 - 12:54 Permalink