im young and need help regarding pfd

Submitted by hcg529 on Mon, 08/16/2010 - 22:51

check my credit score regularly and had pretty decent scores on all 3. then i checked my report and it had dropped 100 points in 3 days. I freaked out and disputed these items. They were then marked as negative but closed and then 3 days later reinstated as negative and active.

I called the agency to find out who they were collecting for and they told me that my total debt was $310 but for $50 they would "make this all go away". But the offer only stoof for 2 hours, i had to pay by check over the phone and they refused to send me this agreement in writing. so i hung up

I then sent a certified letter stating that I am diasbled with a very limited income (which is true) and I would like to settle this account at a lower price and I will pay in full and in return want all of their entries on my credit report removed.

was this ok to send? what happens if they refuse? do i send another letter write away asking them to turn the negative accounts into an account that says never late and paid in full. or do i pay them a little and in a few months try another pdf.

I have not paid them anything yet.

Hi hcg,

Welcome to this community :)

Please let us know what these items are? Are you sure that you owe these debts? You could have first asked for a debt validation from the collection agency.

By sending the debt settlement letter you have acknowledged to the debt, and now you cannot deny payments to the collection agency even if they do not agree to settle on the debt.



Tue, 08/17/2010 - 06:44 Permalink