How to go about with a credit dispute???

Submitted by Paige on Fri, 08/13/2010 - 03:19

Hello everyone! I'll try to keep my situation short and simple. I recently ended a contract with my cell phone provider early. I had two lines in my name. After ending it, I received a notice in the mail from a collections agency that I owed the cell phone company $1,200.00 they informed me that I had 30 days to dispute the charges. I sent the CA a letter informing them that i disputed the charges and wanted them to validate my debt. It is about one month and two weeks later, and I have heard nothing from them. At the time I sent the letter, I was unaware of the concept of debt validation. After reading on it, I see that I should have sent the letter through certified mail and got a receipt. Can anyone please inform me on what I should do now? Would it be beneficial to still dispute this to the CRA without a receipt? Also, I do have the original copy of the letter. Thanks in advance!!!

Hi Paige,

Welcome to this community :)

Send a follow up validation letter now through certified mail, requesting a return receipt. This letter will be the same as any debt validation letter. The only difference is that you will have to mention that you had tried to validate this debt before too. Wait for a month and a few more days, and then go forward and dispute this item with the credit bureaus.

Hope this helps.



Fri, 08/13/2010 - 06:46 Permalink