I had a disputed debt with MBNA which subsequently went to collections and was taken over by a Law Firm who tried to get a judgement in court. I went to court and they lost because the case was not filed in a timely manner (Over 1 year). MBNA went out of business and the law firm no longer shows on the collection. The debt is shown as written off for Bank of America. I contacted the credit bureaus and they stated the debt is valid. Since B of A is not the original lender or card issuer can I send them a "Validation of Debt" letter? If not, is there a way to get this debt removed because I honestly do not believe I owe the money.
Thanks in advance.
MBNA debt transferred to B of A
Hi chitownfan,
Welcome to this community :)
You have mentioned that you had disputed this debt with MBNA
I had a disputed debt with MBNA
So, do you have the copy of this dispute?
Bank of America (BOA) took over MBNA in 2005. Thus, the account is now with BOA. Thus, BOA is now the original creditor, and I seriously don't think you can try validating the debt with BOA. However, you can try verifying this with the credit bureaus.
MBNA debt transferred to B of A
What do you mean by "verifying" with the credit bureaus. Do you mean ask them if I can still get a debt validation with BofA or demand the credit bureaus validate the debt?
Thanks for your time.
verifying debt with credit bureaus
Hi chitownfan,
When the item you have disputed stays back on your credit report, you can send a verification letter to the credit bureaus. In this letter you are requesting the bureaus to explain to you the procedure that they had adopted to verify that the debt is a valid one. However, before doing this send the bureaus a dispute letter through certified mail. If the bureaus does not remove the item, you can send verification requests to them.