There are various ways in which you can handle your credit card debt. However, you need to provide more information on your debts, so that the members can help you. So, please let me know how many credit cards do you have, and the payments on these.
There are various debt relief options like debt settlement that lowers the outstanding debt amount, debt consolidation that lowers the interest rate and monthly payments, debt management that helps you mange your debts and pay those off in the process, and hardship programs.
You can go to debt consolidation company. Only they can help you. As well as you keep track to update your business. Hire some experts for business consultancy.
business credit
Hi nupur,
Welcome to this community :)
There are various ways in which you can handle your credit card debt. However, you need to provide more information on your debts, so that the members can help you. So, please let me know how many credit cards do you have, and the payments on these.
There are various debt relief options like debt settlement that lowers the outstanding debt amount, debt consolidation that lowers the interest rate and monthly payments, debt management that helps you mange your debts and pay those off in the process, and hardship programs.
You can go to debt consolidation company. Only they can help you. As well as you keep track to update your business. Hire some experts for business consultancy.