I have lots of medical collections on my Credit Report and would like to at least try to get some of these removed. Some of these accounts are old, and some new. What is this pre-letter that i am supposed to send? Why would this work as in getting things removed? Am I supposed to send this letter to CRA? and do they look into them? Does this always work? I'm sorry, I am new, and have no idea about this.
medical collections
Hi Melburn,
What is this pre-letter that i am supposed to send?
Can I know what exactly do you mean by pre-letter? Is it the "Pay for Delete" (PFD) letter? If yes, you are supposed to send this to either the original creditor, or the collection agency whomever you are going to pay. PFD is when you make payments, and in lieu of that the negatives are removed.
Does this always work?
Whether or not this will work depends on the company or the collection agnecy itself. Some do agree to PFD, while some don't.