response to foreclosure was not correct

Submitted by jogodad on Tue, 06/22/2010 - 00:11

i responded to foreclosure summons incorrectly; subsaquently a summary judgment was odered. i submitted a motion to reconsider and a notice of appeal. i was informed that the summary will stand unless i can find issue with the judgment. that the motion was not with in the law. can i go back and state that insufficant information was available when the the response to the summons was given. the Mortgage is not legal there are several violations. appealing the the judgment and the mortgage.

Hi jogodad,

Welcome to this community :)

Can you please tell me as to why do you think the mortgage is not a legal one? If you provide this information, it will be easier for me to help you in your problem.



Tue, 06/22/2010 - 11:09 Permalink