I had received a letter from a collection agency 2 months ago. However, i was sure that this was wrong. I could not remember of any such debt. Thus I sent them a debt verification letter. I received a letter back from the CA that I am disputing with. They failed to provide proof that the statute of limitations hasn't passed, and they failed to provide proof that they were authorized to collect on the debt?
What should be my next step be??? I want to completely remove this tradeline from my credit report.
No proper verification
Hi Secg,
Can you tell what are they stating in the letter? As proof of validation they are supposed to send proof that they have bought the debt from the creditor, your original signed contract with the creditor, and the account statements showing the outstanding debt amount. However, they are not supposed to send you any proof of the Statute of limitations on the debt.
If they fail to validate the debt, they are not supposed to continue with the collection process. If you have the proof that you have sent a validation letter, and the collection agency was unable to provide proper validation proof, you can attach copies of these along with the dispute letter to the credit bureaus.