Collection Removed from Credit Report 3 years ago and Re-add

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 04/14/2010 - 14:56

I disputed a repossesion 3 years ago and had it successfully removed from my credit report. The repossession happened 7 years ago this coming June and was scheduled to fall off any and all reports at that time. Today I get an update from showing that they've sold the debt to another agency and they are starting it brand new as a debt from 2010! I was 2 months away from this debt being gone for good. Can they do that? Sell it write before its scheduled to be removed and add it like it's a new debt? I'm so concerned, I disputed it again but want to know my rights.


Can you tell me whether or not you have the proof of your dispute letters? If you have, you can use this to dispute the item off your report. When a debt is sold off the account cannot be reaged. This is illegal. You can complain this to the Federal Trading Commission (FTC). Always send the letters through certified mail, requesting a return receipt.



Thu, 04/15/2010 - 06:01 Permalink

Hello, also you can contact your attorney general for your state. I had an old collector do this to me on a debt that was well past SOL but not quite ready to fall off. They upped the date to a more current one so it would not look like it was past the statute of limitations. Since the debt was sold so many times and collection agencies buying out other ones it was a little hard to trace the debt but after research (and knowing the date did not add up) I found out the truth. Is the original creditor of this debt still listed on your credit report? If so there should be a date on their showing the debts age. Any old reports laying around? You could possibly use one of those also.

Thu, 04/15/2010 - 10:20 Permalink

lljlindy, this is illegal

I would report it to the AG and write a DV letter. you might be able to sue them.

Sat, 04/17/2010 - 12:15 Permalink
Beyza (not verified)

if you are looking for the free cedrit report and score national site, check out this siteHere you can see your 3-in-1 Report from all three cedrit reporting agencies and your cedrit score.

Sat, 08/31/2013 - 00:44 Permalink