Advise on How to Improve Credit to Buy a House

Submitted by MERRY on Mon, 11/23/2009 - 13:47

I need help on credit counseling because I would like to buy a home some time in the future, but my credit is SHOT! 4 years ago, I lost my home do to sub prime lending and my husband's job loss. Is it possible for me to ever buy a home again?


Hello and welcome. Yes there is light at the end of the tunnel. You said you lost the home about four years ago. Have you built much credit since this loss? If not this is what you need to work on. How about looking at your credit report? Have you gone through and seen if there were any errors listed that may be disputed? I will tell you if you have any debts you need to let us know the state adn date of last payment. If you can not finacially afford to make payments on them you will need to be sure they are past the SOL. Debts like this we need to leave rest and woprk on ones that can cause legal problems.

Tue, 11/24/2009 - 02:39 Permalink