Who should validate this debt? Original creditor or Collecti

Submitted by dexiamedia on Sun, 09/06/2009 - 03:54

My public library is claiming that I owe money for unreturned books. I havent used my public library in ages. A collection agency is reporting it on my credit report. I sent a validation letter to the collection agency and they sent me a printout of the library's computer record claiming that it is "verification". It is basically a screenshot of the library's computer system screen with my account pulled up. Does this qualify as "validation" that I owe this debt? Can they just print out a screen with my name on it? Should I have the library validate the account or the collection agency?

Hi Dexi

Ask the collection agency for proof that they own the debt. There must be some account transfer documents with them which they can give you a copy of. In the meantime look around for the book in your house they are claiming this debt against.

Mon, 09/07/2009 - 10:04 Permalink