Judgments and taking money from checking accounts

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 05/30/2008 - 03:36

Hello, I have a few questions on judgments. First, how many times can someone take money from your checking account when a judgment has been filed against you, and is there a limit they can take? Also, if a judgment is to be filed against you, aren't you supposed to be served in person to at least sign that you have seen the summons?

Last year in November I received a letter from my family that got sent to their house (They live in RI, I live in MO). That letter was a summons to appear in court in RI. I got the letter 2 days after the court date and so needless to say I didn't go to court and the judgment was accepted by the courts (I couldn't have gone to court anyway seeing as I live in MO now and have been for 10 years). Not soon after they took all the money from my checking account and savings. I called them after seeing this and to make a long story short I gave them my current address and phone number and they told me that the person handling my case was on vacation and would get back to me.

Now six months later and no further communication between them and I (I told my family to return to sender any further mail from them as they have my current info and can mail me or call me if they wish). This week I saw that they took all my money out of my account again. Almost 6 months to the day of the fist garnishment.

Anyway, can anyone help me with my questions? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I don't have the money to grab a lawyer and they seem unwilling to make payment arrangements.


PS. To clear something up, I have never lived at the address that they were sending the letters to. I did live in RI, but that was nearly 10 years ago.

charmdatereviewsfzc (not verified)

what is the best rightfully pay on dates

RelationshipsdatingShould men really pick up into your market on a date?IT'S the eternal concept: Who should pay when you find yourself on a date? Kate Iselin dissects the long term issue.

Kate IselinEver wondered why they went to the potty and never came back? It could have connected with what you said. confused? Maybe this video will jog your memory storage. Don't beat your thoughts up, We are only human; We get some things wrong. nonetheless, It's imperative you grow from them so as not to fall off the proverbial ladder in the future. credit reports: selection via StoryfulMY FRIEND, jeff, Got married in recent years.

Back dads and moms when we were both single, He and I would often sit down together to go over and dissect our dates: From this fantastic, To the not so great, To the perfectly terrible; Nothing was off the table.

We share advice on everything from what to wear on a first date, To how to kindly end an hit a brick wall romance; But there was one topic Tom felt strongly about that I could never quite analyze colombia girls if I agreed with.

On each date he happened, Tom always offered to grab the tab, Whether he felt it was a very good evening or not.

It was a decision he made after speaking to quite a few women both platonic friends and dates who talked about the type of effort a woman has to put in to preparing for a first date.

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There the money and time it takes to style your hair and apply a fresh face of make up, And even pick up a new outfit if you feel so inclined: But there also the worry most women have when meeting a date somebody in charge of.

Is he the smart, crazy, Kind guy he seems to be in his uniform dating profile?

Or is he the opposite: inconsiderate, irritating, Or even downright creepy?

The woman has to be the braver of each of you just by being there, Tom agreed.

While he sure as shooting had a few mediocre dates, He hasn had an event that he considers to be truly terrible.

I and a great deal of his female friends haven been so lucky.

balanced out that, it only fair that the guy pays for dinner. You don most likely be loud about it; It just a little acknowledgment that you grateful she came. You accept as true with Tom or not, He necessity been doing something right: in the end, He happily gotten married now.

But as I being single, And make an effort to dating, I find myself pausing as I reach for my purse get of each evening: Should I offer to spend us both? To fairly split into your market? Or come across if my date, need Tom, will call the evening his treat?

until recently, The tradition of the man paying for everything on a date was born out of the fact that women rarely had the savings to do so.

If a woman was prohibited from working due to her gender, Or paid very little for whatever job she was able to do, It seemed only fair that the man who appears to be earning much, Much more than she was able to would pick up the tab for the time they spent together.

But that was in the past.

When I look at my circle of female friends, We all successful, fiscally stable people.

over a gesture like Tom is appreciated because we all have a story about meeting a date who put us on edge should we expect, and likely allow, Men to put their best financial foot forward in the domain name of gender politics?

When I began dating it felt sweet and innocent to pool my cash with a crush and see what we could make out of our limited resources: Grabbing the cheapest bottle of champers on the shelf and splitting it over a greasy bag of fish n chips in a park was charming, must not cringey. But I thirty at this moment, And I not afraid to say that my standards have changed.

Fri, 08/02/2019 - 18:19 Permalink