Car loan charged off

Submitted by atwilliams33 on Sun, 07/18/2010 - 23:15

I became very Ill and hospitalized for about 2 months became behind on my car note, tried to make arraignments to make current payment and work something out with past due they have since charged off the loan, I still have the car and charge off amount is $3000, please advise.

I would like to ask you: is there a bank/finance company that has the Title to the vehicle? other words, are you using your vehicle, for collateral, for the loan? If THIS is the case, that bank/finance comapny can come get the vehicle because it's now 'charged off'. You may want to find out who the company is, that NOW owns the vehicle and see what you can work out.

Mon, 07/19/2010 - 00:51 Permalink