I currently have 4 Pay day loans. I have worked myself into an impossible situation financially. Are the following pdl places legal?
500 Fast Cash borrowed $300.00 - paid $300.00
balance $480.00
Loan Point USA borrowed $500.00 - paid $1250.00
balance $850.00
AeroAdvance borrowed $300.00 - paid $937.00
balance $190.00
PDL Loan Center borrowed $300.00 - paid $370.00
balance $390.00 (or more, I don't know)
I live in Mississippi. I am closing my bank account. What will these places do to me? What should I do? Thanks for your help. I looking forward to hearing from you.
500 Fast Cash and Loan Point USA both are illegal lenders. To know the legality of the other 2 loans, contact with Mississippi Department of Banking and Consumer Finance. You owe only the principal to your illegal lenders. In this case as you have already overpaid them, so ask them for the refund. Don’t worry, they can’t do anything.