Payday Loan Yes called me at work today, told our receptionist why she wanted to talk to me. She said it was about a loan that "we" took out. Then she thought she called me cell phone. Anyhow, she left me a voicemail (at work) telling me that she was calling from the litigation department and my file was going to be "turned over". She never said to who. I sent them a cease letter on April 23, as a matter of fact, faxed it to their company. I never heard from them until today. Legally, are they allowed to still call me? Especially at work giving out personal information?
not legal
since c&d do apply to your workplace this illegal lender broke the law,but since they are not in the US there isn't alot you can do except to file an FTC complaint.then ignore future calls as they can do nothing they threaten.just like all illegal lenders.any threats will be things called scare tactics.file the complaint and don't gove any future calls a second thought.
Payday Loan Yes is an illegal lender all over the state of US. They can’t do anything, they are just trying to scare you. Close down your old bank account and open a new one to stop debiting money from your account. If they are still trying to contact you after receiving the Cease and Desist letter then file a complaint against them to the SAG or FTC.