If you are between jobs or have one undesirable mark on your

Submitted by gibbst on Sun, 12/13/2009 - 09:15

Are credit companies usually very honest about you being denied credit and the reasons why? I was between jobs recently,and my spouse and I have a joint account but I was denied approval for a credit card. I was surprised as this has never happened. I was told it was because we had one discrepancy on our credit report that was unfavorable,however I didnt think that was a very good reason to be denied. Could it be because I am in a joint account and not the main primary person applying?

Hello, GIBBST. Welcome to 'our' Forum. Well...(from peersonal experience..LOL) it could be a number of things. Yes..it could have to do with 'negatives' on your Credit Report....however, usually the 'good' marks can outweight the 'bad' marks. Also..you said you were not working at the time. When you apply for a CC, loan, etc., these Lenders want to make sure you can pay the Cc or loan back. Are you an 'Authorized User' of your bank account?..not the 'primary' person?

Sun, 12/13/2009 - 11:41 Permalink