I am very confused about the debt validation letter process?

Submitted by monicat1970 on Sun, 05/03/2015 - 20:59

Thirty three days a go I sent a certified debt validation letter with mail receipt to Stuart Lippman. I requested that they not contact me by phone only by mail during the 30 days they had to produce validation. 0ne week later they called my work and my home and left messages. I did not respond. Fourteen days before the 30 days they sent me a letter stating they were going to report this debt to the credit bureaus if i didnt pay in 14 days. I did not respond since I was still waiting the 30 days. Last week they called my home and work again the day the 30 days was over. My work told them last time they could not call there as it is a very busy medical facility. They called again anyway last week disregarding my work request. I never received any debt validation. i do not believe the amount to be correct at all. I want to know where they arrived at it although I did not state that in my debt letter. I am planning on sending a follow up letter. Have they violated any laws? What should I do next.